Hands Sweaty? Use Botox (Botax) Injections

If you examine closely the wetness of a person’s handshake, you will find a vast variety of degrees of moistness or wetness of the handshake. This is because of the difference in the degree of sweating in the palm of the person. Are his hands sweaty? They can vary from totally dry to practically wet and dripping with sweat. Your impression of the person with the sweaty palms is often negative. Could he be nervous? Anxious? Has he just visited the gents? Or is he just plain thyrotoxic?


What is the cause of the hands sweating?  There are a few known causes:

  • A hyperactive thyroid
  • Anxiety
  • Heat
  • Overactivity on the part of the person
  • More sweat glands in the palm than normal
  • Hyperactive sweat glands.

Whatever the cause, the end result is the same: an unpleasant feel on the part of the recipient of the sweaty hand shake, and embarrassment on the part of the man who has his hands sweating.

It is because of this that there are all sorts of sweaty palms treatment offered in the market.

A hyperactive thyroid is of course treated if one cures the hyperactive thyroid gland. This will obviously cure sweaty palms related to hyperthyroidism.

The other causes are rather more challenging to treat.  Some more well known methods to treat, though not necessarily cure sweaty palms are:

1. Constant wiping with handkerchiefs
2. Application of chemicals that are said to suppress sweat gland function eg Driclor (ammonium chloride hexahydrate).  The tendency is for this to become less and less effective over time.
3. Surgery - a procedure called thoracic sympathectomy whereby the nerves of the sympathetic nervous system in the chest cavity which control the sweating palms are destroyed.  Although this is about the only permanent way to control sweating in the palms, soles and armpits, a lot of people balk at the thought of surgery just to stop hands sweating.

4. Injection of Botox (also known as Botax). A very effective technic to cure sweaty palms.  Although the effect lasts only 1 year and needs to be repeated, it is considered a very acceptable and suitable alternative to surgery which may carry some risks. The procedure is simple in theory. Under local anesthetic botox is given in multiple small superficial shots on the palm about 1cm apart and just under the skin  (not into the muscles of the palm). The fingers are usually left alone as a degree of moisture is essential for a good grip. Treatment results for hands sweating are usually considered satisfactory if done properly.


Assure Cosmetic Studio provides the best botox treatment in Ahmedabad. A minute amount of Botox is administered via a painless injection to the muscles responsible for facial frowning. Approximately 5-7 days following treatment, the muscles are relaxed and fine lines smoothed away.