How a Shared Office Benefits a Freelancer or a Solopreneur

There are millions of freelancers in India alone and most of them either work out of home, while travelling or from coffee shops. However, with a changing work culture and newer trends, everyone is now leaning towards working out of a shared office.

Some general studies across the globe have reflected that this is not just a cost-saving step in the long run (you tend to spend less on booking a desk for a day as compared to three cups of coffee along with lunch at a coffee shop), but also a shift in the way people think.


Coworking Space in Ahmedabad

Here we tell you the shared office benefits that you can get if you work out of a coworking office space:

Work and Play Separated:

Being at home all day gives plenty of scope for distractions to slow down your work and deviate you from your path and goals. For individual professionals who need to stay focused and want to separate work from home, coworking is a great solution that allows them to work towards a better work-life balance.

You Stay Motivated

We think this is the best among all shared office benefits. Looking at other individuals and start-ups around you, it is easier to stay motivated and be on track. Everyone is working towards achieving their goals and that kind of energy and vibe comes in handy in staying focused on your work. This way, you even avoid the frequent noisy crowds and all the humdrum of cafes.

Scope for Networking

Even those who work best individually and have no bosses to report to or employees to designate work to, often need a conversation or two with other people to take a break. It is human nature, after all, to wish to interact with other people. Luckily, in coworking spaces in Mumbai and other big cities, you are often bumping into people doing similar things or being a part of the same industry. So conversations are more fruitful, and you are able to exchange notes, collaborate and build a network.

Fill in the Gaps

Coworking trends of the recent times have reflected that the socialising is not just limited to exploring growth opportunities in terms of work, but also provides ample opportunities make new friends. Indeed, many lonely souls or new migrants to the city end up benefiting from a shared office in more ways than one. And if your work is challenging, then it’s even easier to bridge the gap and hang out with friends in the office itself, without having to waste time on commuting.

Taking up a coworking space in Thaltej, Ahmedabad works on a psychological and professional level both. A healthy work space with like-minded people has good vibes and a positive energy that have a great impact on individual workers as well as startups.

There is also less monetary stress on finding the perfect place to work; coworking allows your space to grow as you grow.

You can upgrade and downgrade your packages upon request. With reduced costs and increased flexibility, this has become the new way of combining work and social goals at a venue that provides ample facilities for both. Shared office benefits are plenty, from motivation to economic reasons.